As time goes by, EA Sports adds features and makes tweaks, ensure the Madden is best possible representation of football. This year, the annual pigskin video game received a host of changes to gameplay settings, in order to make most people have access to this change. In addition, Franchise enthusiasts seemed to be forgotten once more. So fans wanted to be able to customize everything. Not just the stadiums and a few pre-set uniforms, but more.


Now The Kicker, a sports satire website, has taken Madden customization to a new, uncomfortable level with Madden 18: NFL Owner Mode. Instead of just having three options to diversify yourself from the overwhelmingly not diverse crowd of NFL owners, you can really get down to the nitty-gritty of just who your NFL owner is.

Want them to blackball Colin Kaepernick like the rest of the owners? You got it. Want him to kneel and lock arms in solidarity with his players in awareness of racial injustices but also want to balance that by making him the kind of guy who tweets “all lives matter”? There’s a sliding scale for that kind of thing, as well as gaudiness levels. You can even adjust his face weirdness!

You can invite Chris Christie to the owner’s box for some soft, warm hugs, micromanage your coaches until you ironically have to fire them for doing a poor job that is a result of your meddling. Sure, you can make plays on the fly with your owner. Are you a fan of this game? If you love it and you can buy cheap Madden 18 coins on U4GM. Hope you have fun!